Project 5 (Tour Guide Application)

Project Overview

The goal is to create a Tour Guide App which presents relevant information to a user who’s visiting your city. The app can list top attractions, restaurants, public places, or events for the city. It can contain all the best known secrets that only locals know. It’s up to you which categories you want to provide, as well as what information to provide in each category. ## Requirements This project is about combining various ideas and skills we’ve been practicing throughout the course. They include:

Once you’ve decided on the location you’d like to show off, you’ll want to build the structure of your app. Using the skills from the Miwok app, you’ll make multiple screens, each containing a list. You will use a ViewPager plus TabLayout (or Navigation Drawer) combined with Fragments to move between screens.

Next, you’ll fill in those lists with list items, populated using a custom adapter. It may make sense for some lists to include information such as a phone number or business hours, but for others it may make more sense to have a photograph. Design your adapter based on the information you would like to show.
