Project 4 (Music Application)

Project Overview

The Music App project is a chance for you to combine and practice everything you learned so far in this section of the Nanodegree program. You will be making the structure of a music app using Intents, New Activities, Arraylists, Loops and Custom Classes. ## Requirements

## Build Your Project

The goal of this project is to design and layout a music playing app that displays the list of available songs in a ListView or a GridView, navigates to a details screen of the currently playing song, and uses explicit intents to navigate around the app.

Data about each song should be stored in a custom class that is retrieved and displayed via a Loop and Adapter.

This project is about combining various ideas and skills we’ve been practicing throughout the course. They include:

Design Planning

Once you’ve made a decision regarding the kind of app you would like to build, write out a couple of ways you could structure your app. Think about where a user will start and what the most common use cases of the app will be.

At minimum, your app should have 2 screens (a Main screen displaying the list of available songs using a list or grid & a Details screen of the currently playing song). There should be no more than 6 screens.

Some ideas for Activities would be:

If your app include buttons, use OnClickListener objects. Each activity should have a TextView that displays the purpose of the activity, as well as buttons that will let you navigate to other activities.

If you need help generating bitmaps for your project, refer back to the Generating Your Own Bitmaps concept.

The required components for this project are:
